Cristina Pizarro
Cristina Pizarro was born in Santiago de Chile in 1947. She studied at the Faculty of Applied Arts of the University of Chile, where she was a student of Felipe Castillo, who later became her husband. In 1975, she continued her studies in Amsterdam where she studied together with the sculptor Jan Jacobs.
She has presented twenty individual and sixty collective exhibitions in numerous countries and her sculptures are presented in museums, parks and universities around the world.
She has shown great interest in ecology, linking it to her sculptures and promoting its importance.
TPI has built several of her sculptures, receiving their models and projecting them so that, in truth, they come to life.

“La presencia fría e imperdurable del acero inoxidable se hace cálida a través de estas formas curvas, en que el equilibrio y las tensiones son fundamentales, permitiéndome intervenir el espacio con armonía y serenidad.
Como creadora y ecologista, busco la integración de mi obra con la arquitectura, la naturaleza y el ser humano”